jimose's ChatLanka Profile
Real Name: Uzochukwu jude wisdom
Age: 0
Gender: Male
Location: Anambra,Nigeria
Signature: .heart2..wc2. To my profile .fp..stars..jimose. .sophia..preciousgift..stars..lvme. .click..down. To like my profile .jimose. And sign my guestbook .kadaya. .subzero. .lanre. .gun..heart2.
City: Anambra
Country: Nigeria
Likes: Website and app building.
DisLikes: Boastful and arrogant people
Good Habbits: Punctuality
Bad Habbits: Eating too much.
Music: Prada by 24kgoldn and lil tecca
Sport: Football/cricket
Profession: Mechanical engineer /hacker and computer programming
About Me: Love everyone,forgive.
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