DiLMi_MaDhu's ChatLanka Profile
Real Name: Dilmi Madara
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Location: SL-Polgahawela
Signature: .heart2..redrose..redrose.DiLMi_MaDhu.wc..line..x..x.jeewithe lassana wenne lassana ayath ekka innakota newei awanka ayath ekka innakota.x..x..line..couple..couple..dilmi_madhu..byee.
City: Polgahawela
Country: Sri Lanka
Likes: choclets,red roses,kittens,puppies,romantic and comedy movies,small gathering,travelling
DisLikes: banana,loudness sounds,highlight colours
Good Habbits: reading books
Bad Habbits: sleeping
Music: classical
Sport: cricket,elle,basket ball,kabadi,volleyball,net ball,foot ball
Profession: study
About Me: one day i want to be a doctor.i most like watching cartoons and romantic movies.traveling is my life.
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